I aimed to create a unique segment of an apartment, specifically tailored for an individual living alone—a space where he can devote most of the time to contemplation. The environment is meticulously maintained, promoting a clear and uncluttered mind. Mona LIsa painting is serving as a remedy to dispel overthinking tendencies over time.

I primarily utilized 3Ds Max, ZBrush, and Substance Painter for my project. The assembly and rendering took place in Unreal Engine 5. My main focus during the project was on modeling various elements, including the sofa, floor lamp, table, pipes, wall, and windows. Additionally, I incorporated other 3d models such as plants, armchairs, and a bookshelf, utilizing 3D models from various sources.
All the 3D models out of the orange area were modeled by myself. The 3D modeling was done in 3ds Max, and the texturing was completed in UE5. As for the sofa you see here, it was also sculpted for wrinkles in ZBrush and textured using Substance Painter.
First row: Finished sofa in Substance Painter renderer 
Second Row: High poly model on the Left and the Low Poly on the Right::
Scene building stages:
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